Cathy Brown Lombardo,Health Coach, Birth Doula, Massage Therapist

Cathy Brown Lombardo

Women’s Health Specialist

Health Coach, Birth Doula, Massage Therapist

Atabey, goddess Mother Earth

Atabey, goddess Mother Earth

Hi I’m Cathy.

I studied as a Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. IIN has taught me how to coach people in nutrition and lifestyle habits to support personal best health and wellness through a six month program. This program is holistic, encompassing all facets of life, because health is truly a holistic experience affected by every aspect of one’s life.

I trained to be a Birth Doula through DONA International. I learned the Physiology of Childbirth and the Common Interventions and Evidence Based Care. I learned Comfort Measures for Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and Communicating with Medical Care Providers and Clients Utilizing Emotional Intelligence. DONA website is a great resource for more info. I am currently not licensed, due to the interruption in my ability to attend deliveries at hospitals during Covid, so I have restarted the program. I do have experience attending 7 beautiful deliveries since then, all encompassing different styles and types of birth!

I have been a massage therapist since 2017, and I have always had a passion for helping new mothers and new babies! I studied massage at The Green Mountain Massage School in Hyde Park VT. I practice many modalities, and the modality closest to my heart is prenatal massage.

There is so much to think of for this transition of birth into new life, and so many people’s opinions to hear. It can be an overwhelming and stressful time in your life!

I hear you, and I want to help.

I want to encourage you, be there for you, and help you to trust your body. I want to help you make clear and informed decisions so that you feel confident through this amazing adventure upon which you are embarking!

In Peace and Wellness,



Taino Symbol - INDIGENOUS peoples of the Americas

This is an image of the goddess Atabey, Mother, goddess of fertility